
Jeff Shakespeare & Associates Pty Limited ABN 27 001 854 397 (Financial Planning Division of JSA Group) is an Authorised Representative of Matrix Planning Solutions Limited ABN 45 987 470 200. Matrix is an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL) No 238256 with over 100 financial planners throughout Australia. Through this network, they provide strategic financial advice to clients on a range of issues. With $2.6 billion in funds under advice and $42 million in in-force insurance premiums, Matrix is one of the leading providers of advice in the areas of investments, superannuation, insurance and cash flow management.

The Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) is Australia’s leading professional association for the financial advice profession, and advocates for the interests of financial advisers and their clients across the country.
The FAAA maintains strong relationships with government and the regulators, working together to achieve fair outcomes that advance the financial advice profession and benefit Australians.
We are committed to promoting the highest professional standards in the profession, advocating in the interests of both consumers and advisers, and helping all Australians achieve their financial goals.

CFP certification is the highest level of certification that a financial planner can achieve. Internationally recognised, the CFP marks represent standards of excellence and demonstrate to the public and your peers, your commitment to financial planning.
Australia was the first country outside the USA to adopt the CFP certification model as the benchmark for financial planning excellence.

Founded in 1927, MDRT provides its members with resources to improve their technical knowledge, sales and client service while maintaining a culture of high ethical standards. MDRT qualifying members represent the top 6% of financial service professionals globally. MDRT promotes the Whole Person concept. By paying attention to all aspects of life, members live more meaningfully, avoid burnout and extend their productivity into the future. MDRT offers the best resources available to enhance productivity, grow business and elevate service capability to clients. Members have access to other successful members, the Annual Meeting, Round the Table magazine, MDRT educational products and the multitude of resources available in through the MDRT’s Web site.

The Finance Brokers Association of Australia (FBAA) is a national association representing finance and mortgage loan writers throughout Australia. In the interests of members and their clients, the FBAA monitors legislation and makes representations to Ministers and Members of Parliament both state and federal as appropriate.